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£ 5 per month (plus VAT)

Support Skotia for the price of a pint!

During the 1971 UCS work-in, Jimmy Reid told Glasgow’s shipworkers that ‘there will be no bevying, because the world is watching us.’ Take Reid’s advice and forego a drink to help us make media which brings you quality analysis and insight.

In return, you’ll receive:

  • The Bulletin: A fortnightly newsletter on Scottish politics
  • In Review: A fortnightly podcast from Team Skotia and guests
  • Digital downloads
  • Exclusive content


£ 10 per month (plus VAT)

In ‘Open the Doors’, his poem to mark the opening of the Scottish Parliament building in 2004, Eddie Morgan wrote:

‘What do the people want of the place? They want it to be filled with thinking persons as open and adventurous as its architecture. A nest of fearties is what they do not want. A symposium of procrastinators is what they do not want. A phalanx of forelock-tuggers is what they do not want. And perhaps above all the droopy mantra of ‘it wizny me’ is what they do not want.’

Support Skotia and help us hold the nest of fearties to account.

In return, you’ll receive:

  • The Bulletin: A fortnightly newsletter on Scottish politics
  • In Review: A fortnightly podcast from Team Skotia and guests
  • Digital downloads
  • Exclusive content


£ 20 per month (plus VAT)

When we relaunched Skotia in June 2023, we said our aim was change in the interests of the millions, not the millionaires. To pose an alternative rooted in the struggles of people and movements across Scotland.

Since then, our videos have been watched thousands of times in Scotland and around the world as we’ve got to work covering protests and pickets that others won’t. We’ve done all of this and more on a shoestring budget. Skotia has big plans for the coming months and more projects in the pipeline. To make them a reality, we need your help. So, why not help us out with a starter for… £20?

In return, you’ll receive:

  • The Bulletin: A fortnightly newsletter on Scottish politics
  • In Review: A fortnightly podcast from Team Skotia and guests
  • Digital downloads
  • Exclusive content